
Acupuncture and Chinese herbs (Chinese Herbal Medicine) can help with a variety of health issues, such as:
• Pregnancy, fertility and IVF treatment (male and female) – read testimonials about success with pregnancy 
• Skin problems
• Headaches, migraines
Long covid
• Menstrual disorders
• Hayfever
• Sinusitis
• Gynaecological-related problems, poly-cystic ovaries syndrome (PCOS)
• Pregnancy/post-natal
• High blood pressure
• ME
• Stress & associated illnesses
• Respiratory/chest problems
• Back pain

Acupuncture for pain

Acupuncture for pain

Research on acupuncture:
Chinese herbal medicine can double pregnancy rates in female infertility

To book an acupuncture or Chinese Herbal Medicine treatment please call 07833 132155 or use the email form on the right.